About two years ago research said about 100 of the top 500 corporations will be using video chat for their interactions with customers by 2018. That is 20% of the big shots. That is how big video chat is. It may not be for everyone or even for every interaction with customers but businesses can leverage the power that lies in video chat to grow. What exactly do businesses stand to gain by adding the live chat service?
Improved customer service
As much as many people prefer to automate their troubleshooting whenever they are online, there are some that still prefer to have someone help them through it. Video chat can help bring in that human presence albeit without the physical presence. Giving complex instructions becomes easier and agents can easily give a demonstration where necessary.
Increased conversion
Many people like to conduct their business online because it affords them some privacy and convenience since nobody will be hanging around them as they buy. In the event that they do need someone to help them, an agent is only a button away. This enables the agent to provide assistance and possibly push them towards a new sale too. More on-demand interaction easily becomes more sales with a good agent.
Reduced expenses
Video chat is cheaper than the cost of traveling to meet a customer and this saves the business some money. The customer also saves money. Internally, businesses can use video chat to hold team meetings and make consultations with each other every so often. This cuts down on the costs that could have been incurred if it were a physical meeting.
Competitive advantage
The number of companies that use video chat is still growing but those that are already using it stand out. Video chat will give a business an edge over its competitors and will be more likely to attract new customers. Customers are also more likely to remember a brand because of the human interaction video chat provides. They will remember to tell their friends about the business and the numbers will keep growing.
In conclusion, the need for the live chat service is to be the best, otherwise it will cause frustrations. Invest in the right technology to ensure video chat stays connected always.
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